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Doing good is easy

Charity projects

"Road to Life" charity foundation

Who are we?

The idea to start the foundation was born a year ago when a group of volunteers helped two children from province. Almost simultaneously a boy and a girl from different cities of Russia found themselves between life and death due to negligence of medical staff and orphanage management. Then the love of caring people saved them. 

But the idea of setting up a system to help provintial orphanages turned out to be in demand. Most often such help was simply donating money from time to time by a group of volunteers. And the fact is that children living in orphanages in provinces need constant qualified help of medical professionals, volunteers, psychologists, teachers. 

This is why we deciced we need to change the situation. 

How can you help?

If you want to change the current situation and give a happy childhood to a kid, you can:

  • Become a volunteer with us and take care of a particular child (both financially and physically)

  • Become a help coordinator in any of the regions of Russia or a particular orphanage/carehome

  • Organize an inspection in the region or a particular orphanage/carehome 

  • Tell your friends about our Foundation 

  • Involve community resources for supporting and developing our cause (mass media, corporations, newsmakers, stars etc)

  • Become a trustee with the foundation or a particular project

Why are we helping these children?

The problem of orphanages in Russia is real and horrible: child deseases that can be cured in initial stages are left to fester because of severe lack of diagnostic and medical equipment, as well as financial means in the orphanages. There is often no transportation to take the sick child to a hosital with proper amenities, and sometimes negligence on the part of management leads to tragic consequences.

Untimely diagnosis and delayed treatment lead to irreversible changes in chilren's health and threatens the lives and development of kids. Such children lose any chance of being adopted into a family. Besides, many of those deseases handicap children and leave them to spend a life in regional carehomes for physically and mentally challenged orphans. This is closely connected to the problem of those carehomes where the patients are not differenciated based on their diagnosis, and psychiatry wards are not isolated from the others isolating the children from society for life. Thus the orphans are forced to seclusion and a life in a psychiatric clinic. 

Bank info for money transfers 

Расчётный счёт: № 40703810700000009371

Реквизиты банка:
Банк ВТБ24 (публичное акционерное общество)
101000, г.Москва, ул.Мясницкая, д.35
ИНН 7710353606/775001001
ОГРН 1027739207462, БИК 044525716
к/сч 30101810100000000716 в ОПЕРУ МОСКВА
ОКПО: 20606880 ОКВЭД: 65.12

Our roadmap

To change this situation we have partnered with the medical professionals of the State Clinical Hospital #9 (The Speransky Clinic) to work out this strategy of helping orphans from the Russian regions: 

1. finding the "problematic" orphanages/carehomes in Russian regions 

2. organized standard medical examinations and inspections in those orphanages/carehomes 

3. transferring the children for medical treatment in The Speransky Clinic in Moscow to offer the complete medical service: 

  • transporting the child to Moscow,

  • setting up 24/7 nursing service to care for the child while in the hospital,

  • complete medical exams and consecutive issuing of the so-called "health passport" reflecting true and actual state of the child's health

  • sending the information about the child to the orphans database for adoption 

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